By Mathew Martins 25 Aug 2022 6 min read

Qualities of Highly Paid Lawyers

Individuals, companies and businesses may find themselves in need of a knowledgeable and trustworthy legal expert's advice in a challenging, perplexing, or difficult circumstance. A skilled lawyer could dramatically and favourably affect the life of a client. Lawyers stand up for people during some of the most difficult periods in their lives, whether it's by assisting them through a difficult family law matter, defending them against false accusations, or winning fair financial compensation after an accident. Lawyers are important.

What, therefore, makes a good lawyer? Not everyone is suited for the position because it is not an easy one. A legal degree can also be used in various work settings and professions. But it's important to consider the vital elements that distinguish today's successful lawyers, whether you want to know how to get a good lawyer or become a good lawyer. The top UK lawyers all share the ten qualities listed below.

Passion for the Job

To begin with, efficient lawyers always have a genuine enthusiasm for what they do. You've heard sayings like "choose a profession you love, and you'll never work a day in your life," which are common adages. Of course, we are all aware that things aren't quite that straightforward in reality. Meanwhile, substantial scientific research supports the significance of having a passion for your profession. Although some people already love lifelong learning, Deloitte observed that one of the keys to talent development is inspiring employee passion. In other words, individuals who are passionate about their work are happier, more content, and more proficient. Consider applying to law school if you are passionate about helping others and are interested in the legal system.

Concern for the Clients

Lawyers cannot perform at their highest level without empathy for their clients. When providing or offering guidance to law students and prospective lawyers, the best legal minds almost always emphasise compassion and service. The lawyers should endeavour to "make things a little better for other people" using their education. A lawyer dedicated to advocating for and assisting their clients will likely find fulfilment and success in their career.

Outstanding Communication Skills

Lawyers are communicators at their core. In addition to communicating with the court, they also interact with their clients and other parties involved in the case. In addition, lawyers communicate in a variety of ways. A skilled lawyer knows how to convey crucial ideas in formal legal writing, informal emails, phone chats, talks in formal legal venues, and private interactions. Law students and future lawyers shouldn't pass up the chance to improve their communication abilities. Law is merely one aspect of it; business is another. During discussions with potential clients, lawyers must know how to network and professionally present themselves. The world's best legal minds won't be able to put their knowledge to use until they are employed, so keep that in mind.

A Willingness to Pay Attention and Listen

Strong listening skills and a willingness to listen are two of the most underappreciated qualities that practically every successful lawyer possesses. It's crucial to emphasise listening as a distinct professional trait, even though effective listening is a component of total communication abilities. The key to effective communication is reciprocity. Too many people don't take the time and effort necessary to listen carefully to and understand what the other person is saying. You'll probably realise that people are telling you more information than you realised if you open your ears. It can create the line of difference between winning and losing a case if you pay attention to your clients, opposing counsel, and the court. The best lawyers gather all pertinent data, evaluate it, and formulate a strategy.

Understanding of the Law

Imagine suffering injuries in a truck accident on a public street. You should probably contact a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer. If you're considering beginning a business and need advice on corporate formation, you should seek a qualified business lawyer. Even if successful lawyers have a lot in common, they could rely on a particular body of law. The legal expertise required to assist a couple in pursuing a private adoption differs significantly from that required to be a successful corporate litigator. Excellent lawyers are knowledgeable in their field. This information is derived in part from experience. Some of it is influenced by education. Find the law school courses that will most benefit your future profession if you are presently pursuing a legal education.

Excellent Writing Skills

Excellent writing abilities are key characteristics that all successful lawyers possess. Contrary to what you may have observed or seen on television, most lawyers spend much more time writing than making oral arguments. Effective, lucid, and well-reasoned legal documents are a requirement for successful lawyers. Focus on honing your writing abilities if you want to do something today that will make you a better lawyer later. A lawyer who can weave all pertinent facts and defences into a gripping narrative will be successful for a long time.


Perhaps creativity isn't the first quality that springs to mind when you consider what a lawyer does. Contrary to conventional belief, effective lawyers frequently possess a high level of creativity. Law is not exclusively a scientific field. Effective legal practice requires art. Remember that every client a lawyer works with will have its own goals, objectives, and concerns. Sometimes, thinking "beyond the box" can assist create a solution that the customer might not have even known was conceivable. Successful lawyers are skilled at adjusting their inventiveness to fit each circumstance. It is important to approach every issue with an open mind.

Fair Sense of Judgement

At times, lawyers must make decisions for both themselves and their clients. A lawyer might, for instance, have to determine if a legal matter is worthwhile to pursue. Alternately, a lawyer can be deep in settlement discussions when a client asks for their opinion on a potential arrangement. To be clear, the decision-making process ultimately rests with the client, but it is the lawyer's role to ensure that the client is aware of and comprehends all pertinent information to do so. A lawyer who lacks sound judgement won't stay in the profession long.

Positive Skepticism

Every effective lawyer keeps a fair amount of scepticism. This does not imply that you should be cynical or pessimistic, but it does indicate that you should be conscious that what is being said to you might not be the whole truth. Many seasoned lawyers can recall their mistakes when they first entered the profession. Almost every experienced lawyer has made the typical mistake of believing someone without having adequate confirmation at least once. Too frequently, witnesses and clients omit crucial information. As a result, the lawyer is preparing for a bad surprise in the future. Successful lawyers always keep a healthy dose of scepticism. They check the facts to see if something seems "odd" or "wrong."


And finally, tenacity is a quality of successful lawyers. Law is a challenging field. There's no need to sugarcoat that being a lawyer can be among the most fulfilling and significant occupations, but it's also very demanding. An effort is necessary for success in any job. There will be challenging days. Dealing with a difficult client, a harsh opposing lawyer, or a judge who makes the incorrect decision on an important procedural issue may be your lot in life. Perhaps you're upset only because you spilt hot coffee on your shirt that morning. It occurs. Successful lawyers are distinguished from average ones by their ability to endure difficult situations and arrive at the gratifying and important moments that make it all worthwhile.

Image by artursafronovvvv - Freepik
