Any candidate going for an interview has to have a level of preparedness in them to be successful. Being able to answer questions confidently and accurate is the secret code to cracking any interview.
However, you can go one step better to catch your interviewer’s attention with the kind of questions you ask. If you’re being interviewed at a law firm, here are 10 out of the box questions that you can ask your interviewer.
What stands out for you in my CV to make you believe that I can handle this role?
This question is one that allows you to get insight from your interviewer. If you’re doing well enough and they’re considering you, you’ll know from the response, and the same thing applies if you aren’t doing well enough. If it’s the latter, you might get some ideas on making your resume better from their response.
What qualities do I need to be successful at this job?
This question passes an air of confidence and optimism around you like you know you already have the job and are looking to do well. This is impressive for any interviewer, and you’re sure going to learn a thing or two about the necessary qualities you need.
What’s your most exciting work experience since you’ve been at the firm?
This is a personal question to the interviewer, and if they’re going to answer it, they’ll have to be personal in their answer. What this does is to make you both familiar and create an atmosphere of friendliness between you both. This is good to ease tension (if you’re tense) and make you more relaxed.
Who would I work closely with if I’m in this position?
This question allows you to know more about the role you’re interviewing for at the firm. You also get to learn about people you’ll be working with and their respective roles. What’s more? It creates anticipation between interviewer and interviewee and shows you’re eager to work at the firm.
If I’m to work with you in this role, how would you utilise my skill set?
This is an ideal question for when you’ll be working closely with your interviewer at the firm (if you’re employed). It turns the table against them. Now you’re interviewing them because you believe in your skill set and what you’re bringing to the firm. Trust me; they wouldn’t want to lose you.
What’s the outlook for this firm in the next five years?
As a professional, your personal growth is essential, and the firm you work at can either hinder you or help you grow. So, it’s smart of you to ask about how the firm is evolving. If the firm isn’t growing, you’ll likely not grow too.
Why did you decide to work for this firm?
Ideally, this is a question that they should ask you or might have asked you. Here you are turning the table against them. Their response to this question will give you an idea of what the firm is like and its evolution in recent years.
What’s the biggest challenge the firm is currently facing?
Every company faces one form of the problem or the other at different times of their existence. So, the firm interviewing you may have challenges they’re yet to resolve. Some of these challenges might stem from the industry’s evolution, technology changes, the need for new strategies, etc. You have to know your new employers’ significant concerns, so you know what you’re coming into. You’ll discover challenging areas for the firm by asking this question and how your skill set can be an effective solution for them.
What’s the biggest opportunity that the firm has currently?
There are specific questions that you have to ask during the interview process for the sake of your personal and professional growth. This is another one of those questions. If the company has a good record of finding and exploring new business opportunities, that’s a positive sign. It means that they have something to offer you. This could mean that you have a workplace with a stable environment where you’ll have the opportunity to move your career forward.
When you ask a question like this, it gives the interviewer an idea that you want the firm to succeed and care for its growth.
Are there any concerns that might disqualify me from this job?
Most of the time, companies require a particular skill set from their prospects and have to satisfy this before you’re considered for the job. You’re being interviewed because you meet some qualifications, but there are other candidates, and they may have more of the skill set that the company needs.
When you ask a question like this, you can get an idea of whether or not you’ll be getting the job. If not, you’ll know those things you need to improve on and the skill sets you have to hone.
While you have the opportunity to ask questions during the interview process, that’s primarily not your role, and the interviewer isn’t obliged to answer all your questions. However, you can make an impression with some of these questions.
Article written by Jessica Chapman. Jessica Chapman is a writing editor at writing services reviews from Chicago. She’s into sport and politics and enjoys traveling.