City law firm Holman Fenwick Willan has set out its ambition to recruit more internationally-minded trainee lawyers, according to a recent story in The Lawyer.
Being a leader in international commerce, the firm has launched a campaign to attract individuals keen to work abroad. The Global Lawyers’ Challenge asks entrants to define what it means to be a lawyer in a globalised marketplace.
Holman Fenwick Willan has offices in London, Paris, Rouen, Brussels, Geneva, Piraeus, Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and São Paulo.
The firm has also formed ‘best friend’ alliances with two firms in the Middle East: Allazzam Law Office in Saudi Arabia and Salem Al Maddfa Advocates and Legal Consultants in Abu Dhabi.
Candidates must demonstrate their ‘global’ perspective
Ten finalists in the Global Lawyers’ Challenge will then be asked to present their ideas in front of a panel of judges, comprised of a partner, an associate, an existing trainee and an HR staff member. Three of the ten finalists will then make a two-night trip to either Athens, Paris or Geneva, spending a day at the firm’s offices in the City.
Graduate recruitment and development manager Sarah Burson explained that all of the firm’s trainees currently complete one seat in an international office and added: “We want to attract individuals who are going to grasp those opportunities with enthusiasm and commitment.”
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