By Rumaan 04 Jul 2022 10 min read

10 Tips to writing a successful CV

Are you tired of using the same CV for every job you apply for? Do you want a little spark in the way it looks? First, you need to understand what a CV is. A CV, also known as a curriculum vitae, is a short-written summary of a person’s career, education and qualifications.

It showcases an individual’s academic and professional life; this format is what allows it to be widely accepted by the world as the formal way of applying for work. Having a comprehensive CV that offers information about you relevant to the job you’re applying for is the way to go. This article will discuss ten tips that can help you take your curriculum vitae to the next level. After all, a successful CV says a lot about you.

A CV should always be kept short and to the point; employers usually go through many of them and do not have the time to read through long ones. They will only spend a few minutes looking at each one, so you must make a good impression right away. That can be done by including only the most relevant information and excluding anything that is not necessary.

That was just one tip you could use to write a successful CV, and there is a lot more where that came from. Hang in there, and you may learn a thing or two about making your CV stand out from the rest!


10 tips to make a successful CV.

The first thing to do is decide on a layout you want to follow. As to whether you should include a picture or not, that is completely up to you. Your CV must include all the relevant contact information you have so your potential employers can reach out to you without any problems. Once you decide on a simple and elegant layout, you can carry on.


1. Change your objective statement

If you have been using the same objective statement on your CV for years, it is time to change. Your objective statement should be short, sweet and to the point. It should not be more than three sentences long, and it should clearly state what you hope to achieve by working at the company you are applying to. It looks more professional and to the point, but the reader may also appreciate you keeping everything concise and relevant.


2. Make sure your CV is at least 2 pages long.

A one-page CV may be the norm, but that does not mean it is always the best move to make. Having a two-page CV could work in your favour as it shows that you have more to offer than the average person. Just make sure that you are not repeating yourself and that all the information included is relevant and up-to-date. Above all, make sure everything you state is true.


3. Add quantifiable statement

Quantifiable statements are always impressive, regardless of what job you are applying for. If you have made an impact in your previous positions, include it on your CV. For example, if you increased sales by a certain percentage or were able to complete projects under budget, those would be great things to highlight.


4. Revise font & format.

If your CV looks like it was written in a hurry, it will end up in the trash. That is why it is important to take your time with the layout and design of your CV. Use easy to read fonts and make sure the document is not cluttered. Employers should be able to scan through your CV without any trouble, and they should be able to find the information they are looking for quickly and easily. That can only happen when your font is friendly and inviting to the eyes; it’s one of several keys to writing a successful CV.


5. Create multiple CVs.

For a successful CV, it would be best if you had different ones for different jobs. Each job will require you to highlight different skills and experiences. For instance, if you are applying for a field position, you will want to focus on your previous field experience. On the other hand, if you are applying for an office position, you will want to focus on your office experience. By having multiple CVs, you can make sure that each one is tailored specifically for the job you are applying for, which will increase your chances of landing an interview.


6. Add a summary.

If you have a lot of experience, it is important to include a summary at the beginning of your CV. That will give the reader a quick overview of your skills and experience. It should be no more than three sentences long, and it should be placed at the top of your CV, just below your contact information.


7. Remove references to create space for experiences.

If you have been in the workforce for a while, you will have several references that you can include on your CV. However, if you are at the start of your career, it is not necessary to include references. It may be better to remove them to create more space to talk about your experiences.


8. Shorten paragraphs.

When it comes to writing your CV, less is always more. That means that you should try to keep your paragraphs short and to the point. No one wants to read a novel when they are looking at CVs, and if yours is too long, chances are it will be ignored. Stick to two or three sentences per paragraph and ensure each contains relevant information.


9. Use keywords.

When employers are looking at CVs, they will often use keywords to help them find the right candidates. That means that you should include relevant keywords throughout your CV. For instance, if you are applying for a marketing position, make sure to include words like “marketing”, “sales”, and “advertising”. By including these keywords, you will increase your chances of being found by employers.


10. Always proofread and check for grammar, spellings and punctuation mistakes.

One of the most important things you can do when writing your CV is to proofread it carefully. That means checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. It is also good to have someone else read over your CV before you send it off. This way, you can ensure that everything is correct and that there are no typos.

As you can see, there are many ways you can improve your CV. A successful CV goes a long way in your professional life. For answers to frequently asked questions, please continue reading.


Frequently Asked Questions


How long should my CV be?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, making it at least 2 pages long would give a good impression.


What is the best font to use on a CV?

The best font to use on your CV would be one that is easy to read. Some examples of good fonts to use are Arial, Times New Roman, and Calibri.


Should I put my photo on my CV?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. It is completely up to you. If you are confident with putting your photo on it, go for it!


Photo created by Drazen Zigic -

