Legal Accounts Assistant Job Description
The legal accounts assistant will assist the senior accountant and the rest of the finance team in preparing financial statements, accounts, budgeting, invoice processing, and VAT returns. Accounts assistants are also essential members of the finance team, as they are in charge of closing out month-end and year-end accounts. They also assist accountants with clerical activities such as filing, handling mail, making phone calls, responding to emails, and completing basic bookkeeping. They also work with spreadsheets, ledgers, and journals for sales and purchases and keep track of and file cash transactions. This accountant also manages credit and debt collection.
Legal Accounts Assistant Job Responsibilities
The function is critical in assisting the finance team in making decisions that will improve overall business performance. In general, an Assistant Accountant's responsibilities include helping the senior/managing accountant and the wider finance team, collaborating with these teams on various accounting projects, performing account reconciliations and accurately and timely processing of payments and invoices. These accountants also verify financial statements, ledgers, and accounts, make revisions and prepare profit and loss account sheets, VAT returns, and the annual budget. Communicating with third-party service providers, clients, and vendors and keeping track of and updating procedural documentation is also their job.
Skills Required to Build A Legal Accounts Assistant Career
They must have the capacity to produce accurate financial reports. Excellent attention to detail and discretion also come in handy since sensitive information and data will most likely be presented. Second, employers highly require the ability to work under tight deadlines. Third, the ability to prioritise tasks, organise, and take the logical approach to a task with time management is highly sought. An Assistant Accountant is unlikely to have much experience. Therefore it is highly likely that they get extensive on-the-job training. If you seek legal accountant assistant jobs, you can find the job openings on Simply Law Jobs.