Legal Works Recruitment Ltd

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Head office
London, England, United Kingdom
Company type
Recruitment Agency
Company size
1-10 Employees
Founding year
Banking & Finance Commercial Litigation Corporate & Commercial Employment Intellectual Property & Information Technology
The philosophy we operate under at Legal Works is one of complete openness & honesty. The free flow of information is the key to ensuring the legal recruitment process is a positive experience for all. We find adopting this policy means that clients & candidates return to use us again & again.

About Legal Works Recruitment Ltd

Legal Works is a company dedicated to providing innovative, bespoke legal recruitment solutions for a select range of quality clients both in-house & private practice, national & international. In particular we specialise in the recruitment of teams, partners, solicitors, legal counsel, chief executives and compliance / data protection specialists for law firms and industry. In addition, we are also involved in practice sales, acquisitions and mergers.
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